Saturday, May 22, 2010

Todd Abbot Hiding in Plain Sight, well...not exactly...

Special to DFG Online
By Whois Keepintrack

Since asking for public assistance in locating the missing Todd Abbot; three reports have come forward linking the artist attending the 3rd Annual Carnage City Elvis Festival. In disguise as "Elvis", Mr. Abbot reportedly left the event abruptly after some DFG fan's saw thru his disguise. A photo of Mr. Abbot retreating is posted as an exclusive here.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Todd Abbot for Governor- General?!?

by Whois Keepintrack
Special to DFG Online

Bill Shatner may take Canada boldly where no country has gone before, but DFG's own Todd Abbot had recently mentioned that he thought it time for Canada to appoint a comic book legend, (meaning himself) to the position of Governor General.

Momentum of this campaign was halted by the sudden murder attempt upon Mr. Abbot's life and the current status as to his whereabouts cast further mystery and doubt of his pursuit of this most prestigious title.

Please keep watching this website for updates
 and do contact the webmaster if you have any
information regarding Mr. Abbot's whereabouts.

(pictured above: Rideau Hall - the official residence
of the Governor-General of Canada)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Todd Abbot checks out of Hospital

By Whois Keepintrack
Special to DFG Online

Amid an on-going murder investigation, international death threats, a case of mistaken identity and scandal; Todd Abbot quietly checked out of the Carnage City Hospital earlier today. His whereabouts at press time remain unknown.

FBI continues Probe

Investigators probing the murder attempt of cartoonist Todd Abbot are trying to find a common tie with the DFG artist and Swedish artist Lars Vilks.

The FBI has been interviewing DFG staff members.

DFG staffer Frank Daniels commented that the FBI agents asked a series of questions intended to discover the possibility that Mr. Abbot had been working on a secret assignement with a Political slant. Mr. Daniels reportedly commented that if Mr. Abbot were working on such a project, he wouldn't create something harmful.

The FBI began interviewing DFG Staff members after sending out a letter from FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom asking for assistance in the investigation.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cartoonist 'murder plot' suspects still held

By The Assiciated Press
Special to DFG Online

Thursday, 11 March 2010 19:41

A Croatian man and a woman from the US held in relation to an alleged plot to murder DFG Comic Legend Todd Abbot, have had their periods in Garda custody extended.

The man and the woman were brought before a special sitting of Waterford District Court at 9am. The two can now be questioned for a further 72 hours.

Their arrests on Tuesday morning were part of an international investigation into alleged death threats against DFG cartoonist Todd Abott.

Five others - three Algerians, a Libyan and a Palestinian - were also arrested on Tuesday morning and they had their periods of detention extended last night.

Mr. Abbot apparently has been confused with Swedish Artist Lars Vilks who is under treat from al-Qaeda for a political cartoon he drew two years ago. Mr Abbot claims to simply be a super hero artist who does not have any kind of political agenda. How the two artists have been confused is still under investigation.

GardaĆ­ are continuing to investigate the possible movements in Ireland last September of US citizen Colleen LaRose, who described herself as 'Jihad Jane'. They are trying to ascertain how much time, if any, she spent with two of those currently under arrest.
La Rose was subseqeuntly arrested by the FBI and indicted on charges in relation to the plot against Todd Abbot and secondly, Lars Vilks.

GardaĆ­ have today again stressed there is no threat to the public here from any section of the Muslim community.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Suprise Gala Banquet for Peter Repovski's 40th Birthday!

By Bob Barnes
Special to DFG ONLINE!
Carnage City Convention Centre

Overcome with surprise as he was led into the Carnage City Convention Centre earlier this evening, DFG superstar and comic book great, Peter Repovski, had this to say, "What a surprise... I never expected this."  The festivities were in honour of his 40th birthday and expertly organized with care and detail by his better half, Pauline Houle.  "I was told that I was on my way to deliver a lifetime achievement award to DFG president and co-publisher Dan Graves, I never thought the party was in my honour... I am humbled."   With well over 1200 people in attendance, Mr. Repovski was quickly led to the microphone where he greeted his family, friends, and many adoring fans. "I don't know what to say, except, don't forget to renew your subscriptions to DFG. Oh, and thank you for the party." 

Dan, Jimmy Repas, Peter
The festivities were a welcome diversion from the ongoing crisis on the west coast, where comic book legend, Todd Abbot, is still in hospital recovering from a gunshot wound following the attempt on his life.  DFG president Dan Graves explained, "With all the labour disruptions, the opening of the west-coast office, the lawsuits, the hostile take-over bid, and the attempt on Todd's life, we are just happy to put all that aside for one evening and celebrate this wonderful moment with Pete.  He is truly one of the greats of the industry and has always been a close personal friend.  I am honoured to be with him here tonight.  I think Pauline did a great job pulling this all together.  Congratulations, Peter, on 40 years... may there be many more."

DFG VP Darryl Andrews took time out from his busy west-coast schedule to send this telegram..."Pete:  I hope you have a wonderful day STOP Sorry I can't be there STOP  Please accept the best wishes of all the DFG west-coast team STOP And watch out for the bad kalbassa STOP.

Noted guests in attendance were Whitney Houston, Jerry Mathers, the Ecumenical Patriarch, Jerry Lewis, The Amazing Kreskin, Mikail Gorbachev, Sheldon Moldoff, Stan Lee, and Desi Arnez Jr. Pete's family was also well represented by his sisters and his father, a well-known member of the Macedonian community, Mr. Jimmy Repas. 

In honour of the occasion, DFG has released a special limited edition of M&M's with Peter's baby picture.  These will be in limited supply so order this special collectors' item while supplies last.  Cheques and money orders can be sent to DFG HQ, Carnage City (no COD's please).

Congratulations Peter, from all of us at DFG!